Hi! I’m Jen, an experienced Graphic Designer and Artist and English/Spanish native speaker. I grew up mostly in Bogota, Colombia and have spent most of my time since college in the metro Atlanta area. I’m lucky to have a multicultural mindset that comes from having a diverse background. I consider myself a versatile designer since I have worked for many industries and am very adaptable. Most of my recent time has been working in the travel industry doing digital media. I have a great eye for design, photography and all things creative, except origami, don’t make me fold things! I’ve been told often over the years that I am unique because I have both a technical and a creative brain. I feel comfortable and proficient in both contexts and love looking at code as much as I love painting and drawing. I can translate a technical legal document one hundred pages long as much as I can fill a blank page with colorful ideas. I am however, more passionate about creative work. You should also know I truly believe in doing things with passion and get excited about going the extra mile.  
If you feel like we should connect, you have a question or if there is an opportunity to work together please get in touch here or add me on LinkedIn. Thanks!
Thank you! I'll be in touch soon!
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